How Concern Gifts work
Concern Gifts are alternative gifts from Concern Worldwide that help support our work in 25 of the world’s poorest countries.
This is how they work:
1. Browse our catalogue online and pick a unique gift.
We have gifts to suit all budgets and interests, including Tippy Taps, clucky Chickens, and a Climate-smart Farming Kit, so you're sure to find the right gift for your loved one.
2. When you've decided on your gift, we'll send you a card in the post or by email.
You'll have the opportunity to personalise it and give to your loved one by hand. Alternatively, you can choose to send an e-card which will be emailed directly to the recipient. All cards feature a photo of your chosen gift and information about how it makes a difference.
3. Your generous purchase will help bring hope to those who need it most!
Your money will contribute to one of our four key areas of work; Education, Emergencies, Health and Livelihoods. Whatever gift you choose, you can be completely confident that it will make a big difference!