Ten Tippy Taps
Wat-er way to make an impact!
Access to clean, safe water is a major problem for vulnerable families in poor communities - which is why this gift is essential.
These little wonders are a simple way to stop the spread of infectious diseases and give the whole community the chance to stay healthy.
Gift in action
This gift might be low-cost but it's truly miracle working. Your gift can help protect communities like Chabuka’s with not just 1, but 10 foot-powered hand-washing taps.
With clean hands, it’s never been easier to stay healthy.
This gift goes towards our Health programme.
What You Get
When you buy this gift, you’ll receive a special card to pass on to your friend or loved one. This card will let them know about the mini miracle you've bought for them and you can choose to personalise it by adding a special message. Alternatively, you can choose to send them an e-card directly.
Prefer to order by phone? Call us at 0818 458 400 and we'll be happy to help.